Collection License Renewals
License Renewals
Each state regulatory agency determines its own regulations and deadlines for when and how a company must renew its collection licenses. Many of these statutory regulations change on a regular basis, making it a time-consuming task to stay informed on every requirement. Orion Licensing continuously reviews changes to the licensing renewal requirements. This is what we do all day, every day. Let us help you by timely renewing your company collection licenses.
The cost of not properly renewing you license is drastic. If a company fails to correctly renew their license on time, they are prohibited from doing business in that state. If they do business without their license, they are subject to fines as well as civil and even criminal penalties. Often times, the company must then start from scratch and re-apply for a license. Let us help you renew your licenses correctly and on-time. We can do so efficiently, correctly and without all the guess work involved.
Annual Reports
Filing an annual report is something that almost all states require. And as with collection license renewals, each state sets it own method for deciding when and how these annual reports are due. Our clients have piece of mind knowing we track these dates and prepare these reports on their behalf. It’s an easy process to have us start helping you file your annual reports.
It’s Easy to Get Started
With our license maintenance services, we will make sure your renewal calendar is always up to date, and that you never miss a deadline as we prepare all renewal and report applications on time, and submit them to the correct state departments. Call us today at 888-315-0508 for a free, no obligation quote.